Questions in the dark

Young boys and girls in a dark room in blindfolds and flashlights in their hands answer 70 questions of concern. If the answer is positive, the flashlight comes on. The process is fixed in total darkness on the camera.

The experiment involved 45 guys (mainly creative professions) and there was 10 topics: family, arrogance, body, good and bad habits, old age and death, sex, deviant behavior, relationship, tollerantness and patriotism. 

Thus, we made people think about their lives, life-position and self behaviour. As result we get an infographic of data containing answers to tricky questions that concern everyone.

About family

1. Do you have brothers or sisters?
2. Do you live with your parents?
3. Have you ever felt that your parents do not love you?
4. Were you physically punished as a child?
5. Do you love your parents?
6. Do you tell your parents the truth?
7. Do you keep in touch with your parents?

About arrogance

1. Can you imagine your life without social networks?
2. Would you like to be popular?
3. Do you have any idols?
4. Do You love yourself?
5. Do you consider yourself narcissistic?
6. Do you feel smarter than the others?
7. Have you ever left a man in trouble?

About the body

1. Do you have your candid photos on your phone?
2. Do you have tattoos?
3. Would you like to get a tattoo?
4. Do you like your body?
5. Do you have scars on your body?
6. Are you ashamed of your body?
7. Are you afraid that you will become ugly in old age?

About good and bad habits

1. Do you fond of sport?
2. Do you smoke?
3. Do you drink alcohol once a week or frequently?
4. Would you like to try drugs?
5. Have you ever used drugs?
6. Do you eat meat?
7. Would you like to give up meat?

About old age and death

1. Are you afraid to go crazy in old age?
2. Do you believe in the supernatural?
3. Are you afraid of death?
4. Have you ever thought of committing suicide?
5. Have you ever been one step from death?
6. God exists?
7. Are you afraid of not dying your own death?

About sex

1. Do you watch porn?
2. Do you masturbate?
3. Did you have threesome sex?
4. Would you like to have group sex?
5. Did you have sex for money?
6. Did you have sex in a public place?
7. Have you ever dreamed of having sex in a public place?

About deviant behavior

1. Did you steal anything?
2. Have you ever had a problem with the police?
3. Do you control your emotions in critical situations?
4. Can you punch a human in the face?
5. Did you hit a man in a fit of rage?
6. Do you think you have a mental disorder?
7. Did you have a desire to kill a man?

About relationship

1. Have you ever cheated on your lover?
2. Did you have a desire to betray your partner?
3. Would you forgive infidelity?
4. Do you have feelings for a former partner?
5. Did your lover leave you for another person?
6. Do you want to get married or marry?
7. Do you want to have children?

About tollerantness

1. Is your orientation different from the traditional one?
2. Have you had sexual attraction to a same sex person?
3. Do you have sexual minority friends?
4. Are you annoyed with people of non-traditional sexual orientation?
6. Are you annoyed by people not of your nationality?
7. Would you marry a representative of another religion?
8. Would you marry someone from a different race?

About patriotism

1. Would you like to leave Russia?
2. Would you like to travel to Russia?
3. Mr.Putin is good?
4. Do you like the current authority?
5. Did you attend opposition rallies? 
6. Would you like to serve in the army?
7. Would you die for your Motherland?

Thank you for watching!


Tutors: Ivan Yakushev, Stefan Lashko

We express our sincere gratitude to all who took part in the experiment!

Project team: 
Aleksandr Khokhlov (head of the project, conception, identity, infographics, motion design)
Aisina Aisylu (conception, identity, infographics, web-design)
Grigoryeva Anastasiia (identity, videography)
Kuranova Maria (web-design)

Questions in the dark